Class Description: This class is about diving deep to understand your true needs and how to keep making progress on your book—all the way to the end—despite the obstacles you may be facing. Through writing prompts and exercises, we’ll diagnose where your book might get bottlenecked and figure out your best next step, and the one after that.
You’ll learn how to anticipate sticking points before they block you, and create power and momentum for your book. You’ll leave the workshop with a roadmap to navigate your own book-writing process so that you can proceed with clarity, confidence, and joy as you move toward the day you finish your book.
This class is for writers who are starting a book, have written a partial draft, or have a mostly complete draft that needs a boost.
Class length: 92 minutes (broken up into 12 parts and includes participant sharing).
Videos offer closed captioning.
Please note: your log in information to access the class is included
in the confirmation email.
PO Box 1231, Freeland, WA 98249-9911 (360.321.4786)
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